Saturday, March 16, 2019As mentioned in a prior post, What is an Additional Insured Endorsement, in some cases the “typical” Additional Insured Endorsement will not meet the requirements of the requesting party. The Typical Additional Insured (AI) Endorsement: READ MORE >>
Sunday, June 17, 2018 It's only June 17th and I'm already tired of the summer heat. If you are an Employer with employees exposed to heat: This should prove a useful post: Summer Heat and Injury Prevention READ MORE >>
Sunday, April 22, 2018 A good question that comes up often is “Do I need to pay for the Rental Car Insurance that the rental company tries to sell me?” Typically, if you have an auto Insured for Liability and Comp. and Collision, your coverage will extended to the Rental Car. READ MORE >>
Sunday, March 4, 2018 Our Biggest Lawsuit Exposure If you do a google search of “What to Consider When Purchasing Auto Insurance” it’s shocking how little is discussed about the importance of Liability Limits. For nearly all of us, vehicle usage is our biggest exposure to facing a lawsuit (especially if you have youthful drivers in the household). READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 Employers planning Office Holiday parties this year, should consider: Sending an intra office memo reminding employees of your company policies on harrassment Limiting the hours Including Spouses Having a policy in place to Monitor Alcohol consumption READ MORE >>
Saturday, September 23, 2017One line of coverage that is seeing measurable rate increases from all carriers is Auto. The reason is due to poor underwriting results (e.g. companies are not charging enough to cover what they are paying out in claim dollars). There are a number of reasons for this: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 26, 2017Following too close and distracted driving, are the highest cause of vehicle related claims reported to us. As a precautionary measure, we encourage Employers to include this topic with their safety talks and particularly after a claim has occurred, to review with all drivers in order to help avoid a repeat occurrence. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 June seems to be off to a very hot start for St. Louis. For Employers with Employees exposed to heat (outside construction projects, warm warehouses, etc.), it is a good time to discuss and routinely remind about the dangers of heat stress to Employees. Keep in mind: READ MORE >>
Saturday, April 22, 2017 This time of year many Homeowner's start considering home remodeling projects. If you are going to hire a contractor, make certain they are Insured. Lack of Insurance shows a lack of professionalism - and if they are cutting costs here, can it be assumed they are cutting costs elsewhere (e. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 16, 2017 In addition to the positive impact Loss Control has on Insurance Premium (e.g. a Credit Experience Mod. Rating), excellent Loss Control Policies can also help an Employer avoid OSHA violations. OSHA Violation Penalty READ MORE >>
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