Saturday, February 4, 2017The problem with the term General Liability (GL) is that it can be interpreted as being a bit more encompassing than it actually is. Not-for-profit Organization: For this post (I’m jacked up on my wife’s coffee this a.m. READ MORE >>
Sunday, November 13, 2016 It's about that time of year. If you are having a party, host liquor liability coverage provided by your Homeowner’s policy is a relevant topic. For the most part, it’s safe to say that the liability portion of your Homeowners policy will respond to many of the claims that occur at your residence related to the serving of alcohol. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 11, 2016We've recently had a bit of an uptick in employees making allegations of wrongful termination or discrimination against their Employers. What is striking about these types of claims, is that often they come from an Employee it seems that the Employer was working with tremendously to accomodate. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 11, 2016 Obviously the primary reason for loss control is because an Employer cares about the health and well being of their Employees. However, for this post, since claims experience can have such a significant impact on an Employer's premium, I will discuss more in terms of business and not so much the human element. READ MORE >>
Saturday, February 20, 2016 Very simply stated, the requesting party is saying "If you screw up (cause bodily injury or property damage) and I get sued, I expect your policy to protect me." The Additional Insured requirement is very common in construction. Let's say a building owner needs Electrical upgrades. READ MORE >>
Saturday, November 14, 2015 You own a great establishment with good food, but the bulk of revenue comes from Alcohol sales. That's why you stay open until 1:30 a.m. or maybe even maintain a 3:00 a.m. liquor license. You need to make certain you have Assault and Battery (A&B) Coverage for your business. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 27, 2015HAVE A GREAT HALLOWEEN!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015TNC's Transportation Network Companies (like Uber and Lyft) are generally understood to provide ride sharing for a fee (e.g. a smart phone app. used to connect drivers with passengers). If you plan to participate in a TNC (as a driver) this is not an exposure assumed by the Personal Auto Policy (PAP). READ MORE >>
Sunday, August 16, 2015To my surprise I got called out on the absence of a follow-up to a prior Blog Post. As previously indicated, I work with the assumption that this Blog is largely ignored, so I can state things like “in the next post we will cover….” and if I fail to (or don't want to) get back to the topic, no big deal. READ MORE >>
Saturday, August 8, 2015It can't be emphasized enough the importance of maintaining adequate automobile liability limits. First lets explain what they mean using MO State Minimum Limits as an example: $25,000 Bodily Injury Per Person: This is the maximum the Carrier will pay for Bodily Injury Claims to a 3rd party if you are determined to be at fault READ MORE >>
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