A day of Golf just got ugly when your buddy just backed into a car with the Golf Cart he rented from the Course. Fortunately, it was property and not people. We are deep into Golf Season in St. Louis and incidents like this are more common than you would expect.
Back to the accident, after examining the damage, it is evident a trip to the body shop will be necessary. Knowing even minor Body work for vehicles nowadays is not inexpensive, a sense of panic sets in for your buddy since he is fresh out of college and he does not have a "pot to…….." well, much disposable income. While your buddy lacks the liquidity to cover such an unexpected expense he did make the intelligent decision of purchasing a Renters Policy for himself.
The Renters Policy was purchased solely with thought of replacing his TV, X-Box One and collection of games in the event of Loss. However, the unrealized integration of Liability Coverage included with the policy (as it is with Homeowners and Condo Insurance) may save the day. If the policy is properly written, your Buddy has been relieved of the pending expense. He can leave a note for the owner of the vehicle, call his claim into his agent (or, if one of our clients simply complete this Claim Form from his mobile device) and continue to enjoy his round of Golf, because damage caused by use of a Golf Cart "when used to play Golf on a Golf Course" will be covered (and likely with no deductible).
As it turns out, too much credit has been given to your buddy, his intelligent purchase of Renters coverage was imposed by the Apartment Complex, which requires all tenants to purchase a renters policy. They are not concerned with what tenants do off premises, just the potential Liability Exposure they can create for the complex (e.g. parties, grease fires etc.).
Posted by: Dan Hebbeln