When I review the most recent page of our Blog, with a list of topics that include Host Liquor Liability, FLSA Violations, Mod Ratings and more, it’s easily recognized as a brilliant body of work, with a punctuation skill set on display rivaled only by anyone over the age of 9.
However, I don’t particularly enjoy writing in an authoritative voice, it comes off as self impressed and at this time of year, I really have no use for for the exercise.
So we’ll be going Christmas for the rest of the year. I don’t know what that means yet, other than there will be no informative posts for the rest of the year.
The Holiday stuff relaxes me and makes me happy since, for the most part, the Holiday Posts seem to be the only ones that receive feedback. Like this Post
The 2 Greatest Christmas Songs of all Time
The amusing thing about this post was people emailed me with their opinion. I had to explain to them, that I had given them the definitive answer, it was not debatable.
So when you check back you might find some good Holiday Posts or maybe not. It's possible I'll use any free time I get this time of year to drink coffee (or beer if it's evening) and sit and just stare at my train as it goes round and round. That should be embarrassing to admit.