As previously posted I have little use for this Blog this time of year.
I will check out with this bit of knowledge, since after Thanksgiving every year, I am asked several times each and every day up until 12/25 - "Hey Dan, what are the 2 Greatest Christmas Songs of all time?" So I'll lay the question to rest for good:
Number 1:
I dare you to watch it a 2nd time and not join Danny Kaye making that sound starting at 1:20 mark - it's not possible.
Second Best of all time:
I like when that guy pulls those hammers out! After listening I spend the next 10 minutes walking around the house trying to mimic that sound - "Bing Bong, Bing Bong, Bing Bong, Bing Bong, Booong Bing Bong!" If you read it just as spelled out, you can do it too!!
Honorable Mention:
Gosh, what a festive place the Hebbeln Insurance Blog is!
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!
posted by: dan@hebbeln-ins.com