It has been brought to my attention that today is National Hot Dog Day. I received a Contact through our website Contact Form from Fix.com. They noted: I had linked to the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating contest in the past and wanted to suggest this post for our readers. Apparently they are under the misguided impression our website runs a Hot Dog themed Blog.
I find it troubling that a Google Search for "St. Louis Insurance" returns no mention of our business but we are found in the Cyber World from a single Blog Post written about Hot Dogs. Conversely, I was quite flattered by the contact as I now have proof that one Blog Post has been read by one reader. If continued contacts are made from the Hot Dog Blog, re-evaluation of our Business Model may be required.
I did find Fix.com (www.fix.com) interesting as the site includes broad range of Topics (including Health, Gardening, Fishing, Grilling etc). I really enjoyed the article on "Gardening: The Wonderdrug."
Happy National Hot Dog Day!
Posted by Dan Hebbeln: