I say things now like SEO and Google analytics and then do that move like everyone should know what I am talking about - even though I only recently learned the terms and I am not certain I fully understand what they mean. Much like a kid that hears a big word and may or may not know what it means but uses it anyway. In any case, to increase SEO (search engine optimization) for our website, we are starting a YouTube Insurance channel.
I did a few dry runs with my phone and it was disturbing to watch myself. I couldn’t believe how much I talk with my hands – I looked neurotic. I also noticed I lean back and forth and even sway side to side. It almost looks like a performance of the late Joe Cocker minus the "cool" factor.
I told my wife what goes on and she seemed unfazed, like it was common knowledge I move around like this. In fact the only thing she said was "yeah, you touch yourself a lot to. You rub your stomach and scratch your chest when you tell stories. I hope you don’t do that in front of your clients." I thought "My god, me too!" So I’ve decided it best to put on a suit and mostly keep my hands in my pocket for any videos, it seems to have a calming and controlling affect on me.
The Channel will come soon and many of the future Blogs likely will become video Blogs – "two birds with one stone." All in the pursuit of SEO.
Posted by Dan Hebbeln: dan@hebbeln-ins.com