My Wife’s niece (a gentle 9 year old and animal lover) was bitten by a dog at a park a couple weeks ago. The owner, apparently governed by an impaired moral compass, bailed without providing any information. My wife’s niece had to go to the hospital and required stitches.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that dogs bite nearly 4.5 million Americans every year. Half of the victims are children. Per the Insurance Information Institute the average claim cost for a dog bite is a whooping $30,000.
When we are asked, "Are Dog bites covered by Homeowners Insurance" the answer is typically yes. However, after the company has made a large dog bite claim payment, a non-renewal notice will probably follow. The new carrier will charge a much higher premium and likely include a dog bite exclusion endorsement.
The dog pictured above is absolutely not vicious. He is used for image purpose only. I am quite familiar with him and know that he would not bite a child even if they were clothed in a Lady Gaga meat dress or suit.
Posted by dan@hebbeln-ins.com