Starting April 16, 2015 to June 30, 2015, we are having another "Tell others about Hebbeln Insurance" referral promotion! Here's how it works:
- Refer a friend – when we provide a proposal to your friend, we will immediately email a $10.00 gift card to you from your choice of one of the following: Amazon, Starbucks or Bass Pro!
- If we become the trusted adviser for your friend, you will receive another entry for each policy they have secured (you may end up with multiple entries just from one referral - like the last winner!).
The drawing will be 06/30/2015, filmed and uploaded to our YouTube Channel. One winner will have their choice of the iPad Mini2 or GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition!
Here is the Video of the last drawing: April 15th Contest Winner
Refer your friends, family, business associates or yourself. A great way to get started is by clicking the Facebook and/or LinkedIn share buttons below (there is also an email Share option).
Make sure you enter to win, we are a small business, your odds will be crazy good!!
Special note regarding prior entries, if you referred someone prior to April 16th and we become their trusted adviser during this contest period, you will receive an entry for each policy they secure with our agency.
Thanks very much for your support everybody, it means a lot!!
Q: Can I enter
A: If we know you and your last name is not Hebbeln.
*The iPad Mini2 16g with Wi-Fi
p.s. for anybody who saw our last contest drawing video, we mentioned looking into the possibility of giving away an Apple Watch Sport. However, as the media covered the next day the Apple Watch rollout has proven their most confusing product release to date. We are going to stay out of this until visibility of product availability improves. Not certain how this happens with a company that has a market capitalization of nearly 3/4ths of a Trillion dollars. Would this have happened on Steve Jobs' watch (pardon the pun) - not certain.
Posted by Dan Hebbeln: dan@hebbeln-ins.com