Thanksgiving is the number one day for Home cooking fires. With a house full of guests, a lot going on, and possibly drinking more than we are accustomed to, it is easy to get distracted.
- The number one cause of fires is unattended cooking. If anybody wants to talk to you, set a timer if you leave the kitchen or have them come to you.
- Too many cooks in the kitchen: make certain guests do not set paper plates and napkins close to burners. Also use backburners when possible - if not turn pan handles away from you.
- Wear snug clothing when cooking, dangling clothes can catch fire.
Black Friday:
Holiday Shopping starts earlier and earlier each year (I read Best Buy is opening at 5:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving this year!). If you will be out on Black Friday (or even Thanksgiving) these tips might help:
- For security pick well lit parking spaces.
- Back into parking spaces when possible or back out slowly when backing out (many people drive like maniacs in parking lots).
- Get your keys ready well before you get to your vehicle.
- If you drop off purchased items in your vehicle and go back for more, put the items in your trunk or cover them up in your hatch.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted by Dan Hebbeln: dan@hebbeln-ins.com