If it were up to me, I’d like to just tell you “the next business day.” The reason is, you are probably quite busy now, trying to play catch-up after purchasing your car. You may have spent the bulk of the last 2 or 3 weekends looking at cars, doing research, etc. or maybe even took a handful of hours off work to test drive.
Now you are trying to get caught up and it can be easy to forget to notify your agent.
But the following is how most policies read (yours may be different - so check with your agent to be certain).
For Liability Only Coverage:
The vehicle will have the broadest LIABILITY Coverage currently provided for any Insured Vehicle listed on your Declaration page. However, for this coverage to apply you must ask the carrier to Insure it within 14 days of purchase. After that coverage will be effective the date you notify the Carrier.
Collision Coverage:
Collision Coverage for a Newly Acquired Vehicle: The same guidelines apply as do for Liability Only coverage as long as you have currently have at least one vehicle Insured on your Policy that has Collision Coverage.
But, and this is big, you only have 4 days to provide notice if you currently do not have any vehicles insured that Include Collision Coverage.
Comprehensive Coverage:
See the collision requirements above - they are identical.
For Hebbeln Clients:
It’s always easy to get a hold of us (phone or email), but if it is after hours or the weekend and you’d feel better having an Id card ASAP – just use the Customer Service Tab at the top of our website and select and Add New Auto to the Policy. Here's the Link: Add an Auto
After submitting, agency personnel will receive an email and a text letting us know about your new car. We will then:
-Notify the carrier
-Forward an Id card and
-Advise of any change in premium